My expertise

Since my graduation from the Vienna University for Business Administration and Economics, I have been working with Austrian and international companies in Human Resources Management. I am a consultant, trainer and coach and advise companies and individuals in various phases of their work life. Furthermore, I taught recruitment strategies and application techniques at the WIFI Vienna and the FH Campus02 in Graz. Originally from Vienna, I live in the Graz region together with my family.
What else is there to say about myself….
Family: My two sons have literally grown over my head … I may still work as their advisor, though 😉
Home: With my roots in Vienna and my heart in Styria
Languages: Languages have always fascinated me. As a means of communication and indicator of personality. As connecting element between humans. As expression of culture and origin.
Books: Reading is my passion. Always in the analog form. For the haptics and smell.
Music: Classical, alternative rock and … heavy metal.
Good food: The constant edge between gourmet and gourmand.
Quality time with my friends: I enjoy discussing current affairs, foreign cultures and far-away places, culture and the human psyche.
Anything else?
My passion is looking for the needle in the haystack – until I find it.

NiLa HR Consulting: Recruiting and HR-Consulting, since 2012
IC-Resources UK: Site Manager Austria and Principal Recruitment Consultant,
ams AG Premstätten: Head of Recruiting,
FH Campus02 Graz, Lecturer Recruitment Strategies, 2012-2014
NXP Semiconductors Gratkorn: Recruitment Expert,
TPA Horwath Vienna: Head of HR,
FH WK Vienna: Lecturer Application Techniques,
Palmers Textil AG Wiener Neudorf: Recruitment Specialist & HR Generalist,
Alcatel Wien: Junior HR-Manager,


